-took a walk in Font Hill Park on the way to Pattie's house on the way to visit the high school
-read The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis. [supersupergood book!]
-read Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson [so good! not my brightest idea to read it in one day... but in my defense, it was very engrossing!]
-made a grand total of 48 (batch 1) + 120 (batch 2) cake mix cookies =D
-meet-and-greet-ed everyone at church =) and was an impromptu sunday school teacher.
-finished knitting a scarf! it is almost as long as i am tall.
-spending lots of time with family and friends. =D at home, at school, in church, at the mall, in the park, at the library. while reading, watching tv, walking, eating, baking, cooking, chatting, gardening.
I'm actually not really sure what I am doing with this blog. For now, it will be updated irregularly -- both in terms of frequency and in terms of topic.
Happy summer!