26 September 2012


Well, this was a slap upside the head.

So true. I run around like a chicken with my head cut off and want to do all sorts of things (for what purpose? to show that I can do it? because I ought? because people asked me to and I stink at saying no? baaaaaad motivations) and then talk about busyness and how I'm ensnared in it... and yet I do not change. I should change my name to Martha. >.< Hardworking sloth indeed. Pah!

Not that industriousness is a bad thing. (Ha! If only the things I were doing were always industrious...)

But I've been given this gift of grace to be free! Not to try to work myself into earning this precious, priceless gift -- which has already been given to me. for free. because of His great love. not anything I have done or can do or will ever do.

Lord, instead of letting me hold onto the things I want to do, help me to pay attention to you. Help me to do what I say I will do, and so honor you. Put my mind on what you deem important, and keep it there. Let your work be the root of the transforming of my mind, and let my outward words and actions mirror what's inside. Help me be alert, not lazy and secure and comfortable and complacent. Goodness gracious, I need lots of help. But I praise you for your mercies are new every morning, and even when I mess up you've got everything in control and I love you and trust you because you are good and you are my God and my savior. Thanks for taking care of a silly little girl. Thanks for loving me even when I'm not looking toward you, looking for you. Thanks for being with me today and everyday.

01 September 2012


^this applies to how to talk to big girls, too. and boys. and everyone!

I'm so thankful for days like yesterday and today. God, thank you for having such big plans  for your people. and for being so wise in how you place people at particular times in particular places to say particular words and do particular things. I'm so glad for fellowship, for friends, for brothers and sisters, for discipleship. Even better, I'm so glad for God's crazy-awesome plan of redemption, for his saving grace, for his righteousness becoming my sin, for giving me my identity and my worth. May we fall ever more in love with Jesus this year!