-Meeting friends I haven't seen in a while -- and finding old friends from high school (surprise, surprise!) who I didn't know would be here -- and catching up with profs. And good advice for upcoming travels/work.
-Super excited for PHCF and JHIF this year and all the folks who are emerging from the cohorts of new (and old) students who are seeking fellowship and spiritual growth this year.
-Visiting lab, super nostalgia -- PCRs and mass specs and TBST and falcon tubes and *da best* glassware with rubber lips to reduce spillage and oh the smell! Haha but truth be told, I only miss lab because I'm not in it and will most likely not be returning to benchwork. Remember the good stuff, forget the drudgery and painful pieces.
-Also, burgeoning feelings being put on back burner after a good DTR (and conclusion: let's wait and see... too much tbd for both of us right now). But... much like.