12 April 2016

WOAH fresh reading

okay. so i've never read this bit of the sermon on the mount in this way before. mind kinda blown? much processing. keywords: assertive nonviolence, dignity, freedom

(link courtesy of fb via jin min)

i want to read the rest of this book... [too many books on my to-read list o.o]

01 April 2016

quickie update

Today, in Bible reading for the day:

Micah 6:8 -- one of my faves, and a prayer for today and everyday
He has hold you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Much planning going on right now as I think and pray about post-grad (and *ahem* make sure I finish up the things I need before I can graduate aka thesis writing ahhh!)... Praying that in the middle of this planning, strategizing, networking that I hold onto Him first and foremost. Clarity about direction much needed (jobs, relationships, general calling). And much gratefulness to my research professor who's offered to keep me on (in work and in pay) for awhile after graduation as I look for a permanent (well, semi-permanent) job.

Also, I really like Shane and Shane's Psalm albums. and Rivers and Robots, e.g.