08 September 2013


Many changes over the last few months: in day-to-day actions, in career, in life direction, in relationships, in heart attitudes, in understanding of the Lord and the ways He works... But leaving college has been good. Life is different and yet the same. Still so much room for growth and faith -- and Lord, help my unbelief. Help me trust you. Help me to obey your law, to renew my mind, to transform my heart day by day by day. You supply enough strength for today. You give bright hope for tomorrow. You are grace and truth and love.

I am glad for relationships. So glad for the marriage of dear friends today. I look forward to the final ultimate wedding of Christ and his bride. We see right now in a mirror dimly: one day we will worship in full glory. So glad for a sister who is learning anew the transition from friendship to courtship and one day, God willing, to marriage. So glad for sisters in Christ who provide laughter and tears and support and counsel and prayer, pointing always back to the One who is always true -- lounging late at night, drinking tea, contemplating and reflecting. So glad for fellowship.

I am scared about the future sometimes. I don't know what's coming. I don't have much in the way of plans right now. Which is a strange and unsettling state for me. Not-knowing, not-planning, not-in-control. But I know the God whom I believe -- and He has plans for me, though I know not what they are. And He works all things out for good. He is perfect and He is sovereign. His ways are higher than my ways, His thoughts higher than my thoughts. Let me not get in the way, but cling to Jesus.

Peace. Trust. He is enough.


  1. "He is enough."
    Those are beautiful words.

  2. Amen, Teresa, amen. Amen to "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."
    It was so good to catch up with you, sister friend even though we didn't get time to pray together. Let's keep clinging.
