Needed this today.
For all I think I know about "time management" and "making space" for relationships, I am horrifically poor at actually investing in knowing, listening to, being with people. And it's true for my relationship-with-Jesus and it's true for my relationships-with-family and relationships-with-friends and relationships-with-acquaintances-who-might-be-friends-soon-if-only.
"the sadness of an underwhelmed soul because of the stress of an overwhelmed schedule"
precious moments of connection: to be stored away, appreciated, pondered as treasures in my heart (much like Mary, Lk 2:19 perhaps? ha! when do I ever ponder? I read/experience, process, move on. God, have mercy on me and my flippancy for you and your word and your people. Help me to care.)
but in busyness, these moments don't just spontaneously appear (though when they do they're miracles from a good, generous, and gracious God) -- these moments need to be given space.
I'm in a new city, a new school now. A week and a half since moving in, almost a month since school started, my schedule is chock-full -- of homework, research work, cramming-for-midterms work, getting-familiar-with-the-city work, exploring-local-food/grocery-options work, deciding-what-church-to-join work-- and through it all feeling... lonely. And it's my own fault. I've been pretending I'm still in H-ton, where I already had established relationships and didn't need to step out of my comfort zone very much. When have I invited new-friends to really know me, spend time with me, to get a glimpse of the God I claim to love? I've done it just the once, having a new friend over and spending quality time this past Sunday. And school-busyness-during-midterms is no excuse; perhaps an even better reason to create such space to connect. Making the most of these opportunities.
"I want to make sure it's people, not projects, that occupy the sacred places of my heart"
"leave space for the unrushed yes"
hehe, no rush to say yes! you barely settled into the new place, it's a new start, and slowly but surely you'll find those God has intended for you to meet! ^o^