- wow, I miss babies. a lot. thankful for ppl who "share" their little ones with me (even over skype ^_^)
- less awkward than expected convo with ex (surprising, good! glad); and the great reveal (it's official! "going steady" with a special dear young man)
- walking/sitting on the beach (yay sand and salt and waves and time-to-ponder-and-pray) is not a great idea when a female, alone, and "exotic" -- got hit on, stared at, catcalled. sigh. ignorance of manners/propriety? or never-gonna-see-her-again-so-i-can-be-as-rude-as-i-want mentality? o.O
- first alcoholic beverage in tanzania -- gin and tonic and lime. actually pretty good, though most likely bc my ratio was like 5% gin 95% tonic lol. but pleasantly smooth. drinking responsibly at home with shafik. fun!
- impending wedding bells for the first of the yeh sibs, at long last!!! (God willing) whoohoooo
- i need to learn how to sit in chairs properly.
- debating further educ vs entering the workforce -- 5Ws+H ("calling"? "just do it"? thankful for His sovereignty in the midst of my messiness/confusion)
- tobymac and timbetold are fabs for dancing in the apt
Yay lots of happy things! <3 ^o^