05 March 2012


What a day.

I think this is the latest I've been awake in a good long while (so glad for well-placed breaks from school that let me practice resting at good reasonable hours) but... wow, what a day filled with instance after instance of God's goodness. I'm just so very glad to be alive and aware and a part of his kingdom here on earth while looking forward to his coming kingdom.

Night late, thoughts disjointed. But a few items of note:

- New Heart concert tonight was lovely, and reminded me a lot of home. It's so beautiful to worship with a body of believers in a (relatively) unfamiliar language, to clap with resounding joy, to lift up hands together in praise. I keep re-learning the same lessons again and again. I miss aspects of my home church (inter-generational relationships: with kids, youth, young adults, older folks, parents; traditional hymn-based worship; trans-cultural unity of the body) while here in Houston, and I mope around and don't do anything about it for a good long while, and then God in all his glorious lovingkindness presents a way to reconnect with those same aspects which are present also at HCC. Happened with Children's ministry this past year (so very glad for this beautiful opportunity to teach 2nd graders with G.). Happened with New Heart concert tonight. Silly me for longing for things past when those same things are right here in front of me.

- The church is a wonderful thing. It's been a long time since I've spent hours at church beyond typical morning service + Sunday School + lunchtime... since leaving home for Houston? HCC after 1pm has a very different feel than HCC at 10:30am, or even HCC at 12:30pm. People-watching is great: seeing how certain older folks sit/nap/talk on the couches, laughing at the kiddos who run around playing tag, meeting the Chinese School teachers and students (who happen to overlap a great deal with the Children's Sunday School teachers and students). Witnessing people checking up on each other, encouraging each other, being one family and one body -- beautiful.

- Happily surprised by my Sunday School children today. They seem so often to be just the easily distracted, too-energetic second graders that they are. But they are so much more! Thoughtful, creative, caring, responsive. One memorized all the books of the OT using the song that G. and I had played one Sunday School class a few months ago, a song that we both thought the kids would never ever remember because it seemed like they weren't even listening.

- Boyfriend. So good to me this break. So thankful for his place in my life. He speaks clarity into my confusion, pointing out a straight path when I am lost in a maze of meandering possibilities. And takes good care of me in a thousand different little ways. Teaches me, feeds me food, takes me on field trips, makes me rest, lets me cry on him, laughs with me, plays silly games with me, gives me time with his parents... a blessed almost-seven months so far.

- Smiles and meetings and chance conversations. With my mom, with "uncles" and "aunties" at HCC, with adorable children, with my dearly beloved CCFer brothers and sisters. Super duper encouraging.

- Outside. Spring is my favorite season, I think. I might change my mind next season. But, oh my, today was gorgeous. Balmy wind, clear skies, bright sun... Our God does masterful work with his creation.

- and so many other things.

And the best thing is, all these things that I am so glad for today... they are right here around me all the time. It just takes the eyes to see, the ears to listen, the heart ready to receive.

The Lord: He is good, providing in measures beyond my capacity to receive.
But let me not keep all this blessing to myself.
Rather, give me eyes to see, the ears to listen, the heart ready to pour out from the ultimate giver of all life and all love.