23 April 2012

A goal for summer

Not that it's exactly summer yet (one more week!), but...

I want to memorize verses. I had said at the beginning of this year that I was going memorize verses, at least one a week, which I suppose I kinda sorta do in memorizing verses with my 2nd grade Sunday School class, but I have also quite quickly forgotten all those verses after Sunday School is over. Not a particularly good track record. Meh.

So: Seeds Family Worship to the rescue! http://www.seedsfamilyworship.net/listen-online/

Good verses. Put to good songs. On replay. Been listening to these on and off for over a year now, and I'm still on Volume 1.

Goal: memorize all three albums by the end of summer. Doable, yes? Three+ months, can do 30-some verses.
And by memorize, I mean: remember (rote memory) and also be able to explain each verse to someone else.

Exciteeeeddddd =)

because God's word is good.


  1. yesyes yes catch up to me! i only have the 1st 3 albums memorized, but haven't quite got the activation energy yet to start the 4th. :D

  2. haha activation energy indeed =D
